Two Poems from Bill Roberts
Jesus in a Red Convertible
Cruising carefree over mountain roads
I saw Jesus standing in an open
red convertible, long hair flying
arms stretched out as if off the cross
ready to embrace the world again.
A little old lady - Mary Magdalene? -
was hunched over the wheel
cautiously driving the winding highway
so I pulled a U turn at the first safe spot
and sped after them, flooring it.
I wasn't able to catch up
wondered if they'd turned off
but there were few exit ramps
so they must have hit the gas
reached the city shortly before I did.
How curious. I told my psychotherapist
and he agreed, though seemed doubtful
of the plausibility of my vision.
I saw him, Jesus, in a red convertible.
Just sorry I didn't get the plate number.
Sending a Message
They met on Facebook, the Internet.
Not like bumping into one another,
feeling that sudden flash
of love at first sight,
but hey, it works much the same.
Jamie and Jenna, names meant
to be paired, like Camembert
to a fine Bordeaux, so they texted,
discovered they lived close
to each other, set a time and place.
Of course, before a movie was chosen,
they discovered by textual contact
they had a lot in common -
both the same age, addicted to electronic
communication for stimulation.
They met at the 24-Plex, equidistant
between their residences, movie
pre-chosen, of little interest once it started.
During the show, to calm their nerves,
both texted other potential love interests.
Bill Roberts offers a seminar on how to write a poem a day in fifteen
minutes, or five in an hour for bargain hunters. In 2009 and again this
year, one of his poems was nominated for Best of the Net, plus another
last year for a Pushcart Prize. His wife would like him to unretire for
the 14th time, so he seeks work that pays well, with zero stress. His
current project is convincing their new dog, Princess Honey, to pee in
the Colorado outdoors rather than on the new rug. Reach Bill at
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