One Poem from Sara Blanton
how to
become a librarian
The idea is to have
a simple existence.
Sit, stamp, and slide
the books across the
lacquered desk.
Wear thick glasses
with black frames.
The kind that make a girl
It's like lather, rinse, repeat.
Sit, stamp, slide.
If you can master these three steps,
you'll be on your way.
You will need one cat
for your one bedroom apartment.
Lean Cuisine meals and lots of tea.
Librarians do not drink coffee.
At least, you can be surrounded
by endless aisles and carts
filled with novels,
magazines and thick reference books.
Work on your crocheting skills.
Work on your half grin.
A librarian can never show her teeth.
Sara Blanton is the editor of the online poetry journal Thick With
Conviction and an occasional poet. She was born in New York and has
lived in NYC among the artsy types before ending up in PA. She has been
published in Drown In My Own Fears and Eight Octaves Magazine. Sara
loves her wine, dark haired, brooding male singers and good poetry.
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